White chocolate ganache with tomatoes and basil


  • 500 g tomato pulp
  • 70 g of olive oil
  • 1 g salt
  • 90 g cream
  • 40 g mixed margarine and butter (cake)
  • 50 g glucose syrup
  • 15 leaves of chopped basil
  • 1350 g white Ariba chocolate 36/38

as an alternative to white chocolate:

  • 500 g Ariba watacao
  • 1000 g Ariba milk chocolate 36/38



Wash and cut the ripe tomatoes into 4. Pour the oil into a pot. Heat the basil and the pinch of salt with the chopped tomatoes. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Cover with film and leave overnight in the fridge (12h).

The day after, heat and blend the tomatoes. Sift. Weigh the juice (500 g) heat with the cream, margarine and glucose, then pour over the chocolate. Stir and cool the ganache. Pour into the shells. Cool to 2 ° C for 10 minutes.

Once cool, heat the edges of the chocolates with the phone and close with a layer of chocolate.


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